Wednesday 12 June - Australia’s Energy Market Outlook (Plenary)

Attend Live or Virtual Event

Registration and welcome coffee
Opening remarks from the Chair

Daniel Ziffer
Reporter ‘The Business’
ABC News

Strategies for ‘unsticking’ a stalled transition
Assembling the energy puzzle to provide stability now and in the future
  • Charting a course through the energy maze
  • Insights from the unfolding transition
  • Importance of policy initiatives to overcome headwinds

Daniel Westerman
Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director
Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)

FIRESIDE CHAT: Addressing the uncertainties and risks in Australia’s decarbonisation plans

Damien Nicks
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

in conversation with:

Daniel Ziffer
Reporter ‘The Business’
ABC News

Working back from 2035 – bringing clarity to what we need to do here and now

Victor Finkel
McKinsey & Company

Morning tea in Expo Hall
CEO PANEL: What are the clear, consistent, and long term ways industry and policy makers can drive stakeholder confidence?
  • What ways are we actively preventing grid instability as legacy assets exit the system, and what role will the expanded “Capacity Investment Scheme” play?
  • How should CIS and transmission planning (and delivery) be coordinated?  Where does this leave consumers and Distributed Energy Resources?
  • How can industry work alongside policy to accelerate and empower the transition?
  • What levers can be pulled to speed up the delivery of low emissions energy infrastructure?


Tarandeep Singh Ahuja
McKinsey & Company


Stephanie Unwin
Chief Executive Officer
Horizon Power

Brett Redman
Chief Executive Officer

Guy Chalkley
Chief Executive Officer
Endeavour Energy

Rik De Buyserie
Chief Executive Officer
ENGIE Australia & New Zealand

(re) Building a stable and forwarding thinking policy and regulatory framework
Reforming the electricity market to accelerate the transition - perspective of the rule maker and market developer
  • Analysing the results and opportunities from recent strategic reviews, and the pathways forward
  • Finding long term solutions that will enable and support the transition
  • Defining what needs to be done to deliver reliable, secure energy at the best price for consumers

Anna Collyer
Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)

Accelerating new renewable energy and storage developments before closing the existing system
  • Defining the energy production challenge Australia faces to ensure a well-managed clean energy transition
  • Public and private sector roles – policy priorities, mobilising capital, managing the reliability of legacy generation assets, and the importance of dispatchable storage capacity
  • Supporting consumers through the transition with reliable, affordable energy

Mark Collette
Managing Director

Lunch in Expo Hall
Efficiently coordinating all aspects of the energy system through the transition
  • Examining how appropriate current regulation frameworks are for the challenge ahead
  • Ensuring that the design and regulation of the whole market remains fit for purpose
  • Directions and solutions that will address and resolve sticking points

Justin Oliver
Deputy Chair
Australian Energy Regulator (AER)

Providing the right settings for the private capital investment required to support the energy transition

David Ryan
Herbert Smith Freehills

PANEL DISCUSSION: What does energy regulatory utopia look like?
  • Do current business models stack up anymore; how does the regulatory framework work and not work; what needs to be done to fix it?
  • How do we resolve the tension between institutional investors and household PV?
  • How can we ensure all government agencies are aligned in their transition roadmap?
  • Is the current tripartite regulatory system the largest problem?
  • At what point are the regulators forced to stand aside whilst government bulldozes transmission and generation projects through at any cost?


Mark Paterson
Energy Catalyst


Justin Oliver
Deputy Chair
Australian Energy Regulator (AER)

Matthew Warren
Boardroom Energy

Nick Baker
Global Co-Head of Energy
Herbert Smith Freehills

Trudy Fraser
Acting EGM Regulation
Energy Queensland

Afternoon tea in Expo Hall
Identifying and implementing the technologies that will get us to net zero
INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS: Reinventing energy: technology's role in accelerating the transition
  • Exploring the pivotal role that technology plays in accelerating the reinvention of the energy sector and the transition towards sustainability
  • How technological advancements are reshaping the future of energy

Damien Buie
Segment Leader, Energy Transition
AWS Energy & Utilities (UK)

INTERNATIONAL ADDRESS: Accelerating the energy transition using artificial intelligence

Arun Biswas
Managing Partner, APAC Strategic Sales & Sustainability Consulting
IBM Consulting

PANEL DISCUSSION: What is ‘Plan B’ if current projections and plans fail?
  • How realistic are nuclear or hydrogen energy as backups for an intermittent generation (or is it always going to be gas?)
  • Which energy storage technologies will work best to balance supply and demand?
  • What is the paradigm-shifting tech that could change the whole energy landscape?


Ben Burge
Department of Unresolved and Meaningful Problems (DUMP)


Peter Price
Chief Engineer
Energy Queensland

Tanya Hodgson
Investment Manager
Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)

Erin van Maanen
Executive General Manager Strategy
Hydro Tasmania

Bree Bailey
Director - Energy, Infrastructure and Renewables
Deutsche Bank

Closing remarks from Chair
End of day one, drinks reception in Expo Hall
Energy Week Conference Dinner

The official Energy Week dinner is the perfect opportunity to network, unwind and socialise with industry peers during your time in Melbourne. Tickets are $230. Includes drinks and dinner.

Venue: Sovereign Room, MCEC, level 1 (above Eureka Rooms)

Time: 18:30 – 22:30

Dress: As you are!

Bring your AEW24 Name Badge for entry