Tuesday 11 June: Pre-conference masterclasses

The pre-conference masterclasses provide attendees with morning and afternoon tea breaks and a 1-hour lunch break allowing for extra networking opportunities and in-depth learning.

The masterclasses start at 09:00 and finish at 17:00.

Choose one area to deep dive and walk away a master of the topic. Be aware that some classes have a maximum number, so please book early.

Masterclass B: Designing and evaluating Distribution System Operator (DSO) models to maximize the benefits of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) to customers and the power system

A high-DER grid requires upgrading distribution system functions to ensure reliable network operation and effective coordination with the bulk power system and wholesale markets. Distribution System Operator (DSO) models offer a portfolio of options for evolving distribution networks to maximize the benefits of the high-DER grid by aligning performance and market outcomes with grid needs and policy goals. This masterclass will take you through the theory and practical aspects of designing and comparing alternative DSO models to achieve desired objectives.Upgrading electric distribution network functions for a high-DER future

  • Upgrading electric distribution network functions for a high-DER future
  • How a participatory distribution network complements the bulk system and wholesale market
  • Defining the roles and functions of a DSO within a whole-system view of the power system
  • Key terms and concepts for the spectrum of DSO models
  • Possible distribution-level markets to realise the full benefits of participating DERs
  • Criteria for comparing alternative DSO models
  • A four-step process for selecting a preferred DSO model
  • Implications for roles and responsibilities of other actors in the system
  • Evaluating alternative DSO models against specified goals, performance requirements and guiding principles


Lorenzo Kristov
Electric System Policy, Structure, Market Design

Masterclass C: Fundamentals of battery economics

Dr Oliver Schmidt, author of Monetizing Energy Storage: A Toolkit to Assess Future Cost and Value, will lead a full day interactive workshop on the complexities of energy storage. Participants will learn about key insights, review the data and apply the tools to evaluate the economic potential of energy storage. This masterclass is suited to project developers, investors, policymakers and researchers working on battery and energy storage projects.

  • Outlining the need for flexibility and all the options available (including energy storage)
  • Defining the five categories of storage technologies, their cost components and applications
  • Using application-specific lifetime cost to identify most competitive technologies (incl. worked examples)
  • How the competitiveness of technologies will change over time (incl. worked examples)
  • Understanding the wide range of applications and when they will be required in the energy transformation (incl. differences in front-and “behind-the-meter”, long-duration)
  • The role of “revenue stacking” to enable profitable energy storage projects
  • Future proofing energy storage investment decisions by looking at what could change value (incl. worked examples with energy arbitrage)


Oliver Schmidt
Visiting Researcher
Imperial College London

Masterclass D: Australian Energy Industry Boot Camp

Become an instant expert. Specifically for professionals new to the energy sector, this masterclass will take you through some of the multiple agencies and major players in the Australian market. Designed for junior to middle managers who do not have experience in Australia’s energy industry. If you are still figuring out the difference between DR and DER, this day is for you.

Upon completion of the workshop, attendees will:

  • Understand the roles of key players in the industry, and how they interact
  • Be aware of current issues in the industry
  • Have insights into future challenges and opportunities in the Australian energy transition

The morning will be led by David Prins, focussing on identifying the important bodies and regulators and current state of play.

Who’s who in Australian energy, and how they interact

  • Identifying the major players, the laws and rules that govern how they interact, what are their objectives, and a host of acronyms and what they mean

What is happening now; future challenges and opportunities

  • Current issues – including affordability, duck curves, Integrated System Plan, government interventions, and other topical issues
  • Future challenges and opportunities including consumer-led transition and the future of gas

The afternoon is an introduction to the National Electricity Market (NEM) and its role as a wholesale commodity exchange for electricity on Australia’s eastern and south-eastern coasts. Participants will be guided by Susan Taylor, who was at the coal face when the NEM was designed and introduced in the late 1990’s, and drafted the first version of the National Electricity Code, which later became the National Electricity Rules.

Dissecting the geography of the NEM operation and its critical interconnectors

  • Examining the aims of the NEM in the 90’s and issues that have since arisen with the original design
  • Operating a spot market where supply and demand are matched in real time through a centrally coordinated dispatch process
  • The role of participants, AEMO, the AER and the AEMC in market operations

Defining the role of retailers in managing risk on behalf of their customers

  • Comparing “energy only gross pool” with markets with capacity payments
  • What are PPAs and how do they work
  • AEMO’s role in maintaining a secure system and the integration of renewables


Morning facilitator:

David Prins
Etrog Consulting

Afternoon facilitator:

Susan Taylor
Clayton Utz